
Our sameday courier service is secure, reliable and efficient. We cover all UK destinations and guarantee timely delivery of your urgent packages, with instant confirmation of receipt.

Using the latest GPS Navigator technology tracking systems, we ensure maximum reliability in all our collection and delivery services.


We continually assess our nationwide overnight providers to support our clients businesses with their United Kingdom delivery expectations.

Using the support of UK integrator networks and a established portfolio of private local specialists, we perform a hands on approach locally to avoid the frustrations of a awkward delivery or collection.


A bespoke provider of international courier services for time-sensitive parcels and documents, Gologix offer the highest quality.

We provide a flexible portfolio of  international options covering both road and air in addition to a wide range of value added logistics and inventory management services.

We understand the importance of building a relationship based upon transparency. We demonstrate honesty and integrity as standard practice.
We earn and appreciate the trust placed in our relationship; It takes time to earn trust and seconds to lose without honesty and transparency.
Working with the right provider is crucial. Trust is a very important element, confidence knowing that

"Building our reputation by upholding yours"

The ability and willingness to listen to our clients and react to their requirements enables us to provide the very highest levels of service in our industry. Our flexibility does not limit us to using one specific network. We have the ability to choose between several routing options to achieve the optimum delivery, utilising a choice of hand-picked agents and organisations with local expertise and specific strengths in worldwide locations.

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